Coal based activated carbon​picture1

Coal based activated carbon​

(CAS: 16291-96-6)
Technical specificationsN/A
  • Levels of danger:4.1
  • UN NUMBER:1325
  • HS code:3802109000
  • MW:12.01
  • Density:0.45-0.55
  • Appearance:Black granular



Technical process

Coal-based activated carbon uses high-quality Anthracite as raw material and is made through Carbonization, Activation and crushing using advanced technology. It has the appearance of black irregular particles.


Coal-based activated carbon has the advantages of developed Pore Structure, large specific area, strong Adsorption Capacity, high mechanical strength, small bed resistance, good chemical stability, easy regeneration and durability.


Carbon based activated carbon is widely used in daily life and industry, such as liquid-phase adsorption, Water Purification, gas-phase adsorption, Solvent Recovery, and is particularly suitable for power plants, petrochemicals, refineries, food and beverage, sugar and wine industries, and beverages. Purify water, organic pollutants, etc.

Technical Parameter

particle size (Mesh)4×8  8×30 (customizable)
Iodine index (mg/g)300-1100
Methylene blue (mg/g)90-1800
Hardness (%)≥ 90
Humidity (%)≤5

Activated carbon use classification

Coal based activated carbon​ Coal-based Activated Carbon Anthracite Carbonization Activation Adsorption Capacity Pore Structure Water Purification Solvent Recovery Petrochemicals Refineries Food and Beverage Industry Organic Pollutants Regeneration Durability Treatment Air Filtration No. 1picture

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